We have now received links from OneRen to enable our residents to enrol in our autumn activity courses. The programme will start on Wednesday 27 September and run for 10 weeks until Monday 4 December. Please note that you will need a payment card to pay the £30 fee to enrol on each course. Please use the link next to each course below to enrol.

To enrol on a course, you first need to enrol with OneRen then enrol for a course. To do this:

  1. Select the link for the course you wish to attend from the table below.
  2. Select “New Member“.
  3. Fill in details as required.
  4. Next select “Sign up” then “Accept and continue“.
  5. Next, come back to this page and select the link for the course you wish to attend.
  6. Select “Add” at bottom of page.
  7. Select “Add ticket” enter quantity “1“.
  8. Select “Add and continue“.
  9. Select “Proceed to checkout“.
  10. Enter your card details and pay.
  11. You will see message saying “Thank you, your payment has been successful“.
  12. You will also receive a confirmation email (this may go to your junk folder).
  13. If you have any problems please email us at: rccclasses23@gmail.com.
Day Time Activity Instructor Enrolment link
Mondays 10-10.45am Gentle Keep Fit Margo https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=99F51470999AD4DB30FA2568EF3C9DFAAD6451B3
(from  2 Oct) 12-12.45am Pilates Kerry https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=7A70E654976685D3AE4DD10F54037E2B2F2AD571
Wednesdays 10-10.45am Keep Fit Margo https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=631718A5C7FDA62CBE8F9095DEEE2875051B7F9C
(from 27 Sep) 11-11.45am Gentle Keep Fit Margo https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=2F560D5A587E8AB2C66DB369D13878B16EFAEDEC
12-12.45am Yoga Jo https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=BEF54E8B563763AB12F0C77797B00CF3EC26B19E
6.15-7pm Zumba
(at Ralston Community Centre)
Linda https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=974BF5CE05F39A814AB70478CEE3B463F041BD54
Thursdays    10-10.45am Yoga Cheryl https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=27B42BEFEF38F77EBC5B62FCB199E3E2C160FD67
(from 28 Sep) 11-11.45am Chair Yoga Cheryl https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=C64A2BAAACBA884F4DBF05134A3755204D18C161
12-12.45am Zumba Linda https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=434CB44AC95E177CC620D37C0EBE33FC770CFCC5
(from 30 Sep)
10-10.45am Yoga Pam https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=9FECCB5477FAED987B7E11B28F349A33967358BE
  11-11:45am Bootcamp Luke https://oneren.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=3197BCB61529BB5D2383758D43865A5E5E8F0784

Should you find your chosen course has already been filled, please let us know and we’ll try to find a solution. Please email: rccclasses23@gmail.com.

Some changes

Please note that we have had to make some changes to the initial programme that we issued previously. Specifically these are:

  • Yoga on Thursdays 11-11.45 should have read Chair Yoga.
  • Pilates on Thursday evening will no longer take place due to a booking clash.
  • We have also introduced a new course on Saturday mornings: Bootcamp with Luke – a high energy course with HIIT cardio and core workouts. This course also includes nutrition guides, recipes and a home workout plan – all specific to your individual needs.

All classes will take place in Ralston Community Sports Centre, Penilee Road PA1 3AX (except Zumba on Thursday evenings, which will take place in Ralston Community Centre, Allanton Avenue,  PA1 3BL).

We would also like to highlight that neither OneRen nor Renfrewshire Council is making any money from this collaboration with Ralston Community Council. We are grateful to OneRen for waiving all hall hire and supervisor charges for these events. All the fees you pay to OneRen for taking part in a course will be totally reimbursed to Ralston Community Council and will be used to pay the instructors. We are using our new National Lottery Community Funding to subsidise the cost of the courses.

Due to the nature of this collaborative project with OneRen and our funding constrictions, the courses are only open to residents of Ralston over 18 years of age. In addition, OneRen card holders would still require to pay the enrolment fee per course.

If you have any questions, please email us at: rccclasses23@gmail.com.