Following notification of a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) request in relation to Ralston
Community Sports Centre (RCSC) published on Tuesday 31st of May 2022, a total of 2941
representations were received by Renfrewshire Council by the end date for representations of 1st July.
The CAT request, submitted by Kelburne Hockey and Community Sports Club, is for a long-term
lease of the sports centre and playing fields for the purpose of redeveloping the sports centre to
provide a wider range of sports and activities, extend the opening hours of the centre and to create an all level hockey pitch.
Within the total representations, 272 were received by post or into the CAT mailbox on or before
the 1st of July. This figure included 31 representations that did not provide a full address; 6 that did not state if they were in favour or against the CAT request; and 27 representations that did not provide any reason for why they either supported or rejected the CAT request. 1263 signed letters were delivered to the council on 1st July and are included in the total and breakdown of
representations. A further 1406 signatures were provided in the form of petitions. These have
been included in the total but are not included in the breakdown.
The total number of representations received excluding petitions was 1535. Of these, 118 (7.7%) are in favour of the CAT and 1417 (92.3%) are against.
A breakdown of the representations can be found on the Renfrewshire Council website.
The CAT application will be considered by Renfrewshire Council’s ILE Policy Board at either its August or its November meeting. More details can be found in the previous news item.