Renfrewshire Council has commissioned transport consultants AECOM to develop a new local transport strategy. The strategy, which is called Travel Renfrewshire 2035,  will set out the council’s transport and travel priorities over the next 10 years. It will complement the regional strategy by SPT and the national strategy by Transport Scotland.

The council says that the strategy will meet its responsibilities to make bus and train journeys more accessible, encourage walking, wheeling and cycling, reduce travel by car and protect the environment as the council works towards Renfrewshire becoming net zero.

There will be two phases of stakeholder engagement. In the first phase the council aims to capture feedback on what is working well and what would improve people’s travel experience. Feedback is invited from members of the public and stakeholders via a survey, which is available to access on the council’s website at The survey is open until 11:59 pm on Thursday 27 June 2024.

Paper copies of the survey are available at Renfrewshire libraries and can also be requested by emailing, with “Local Transport Strategy Survey” as the email subject. Paper copies are also available by phoning 0300 300 0300.

Comments can also be added to an online map; the link is also available on the council’s website at The map  allows comments to be added to specific locations and for locations to be categorised as positive, neutral or areas for improvement.